Connecting questions and creating your questionnaire flow
1. To connect questions and create your flow, click on the white connector node at the top right of the question card and drag to the blue connector node at the top left of the next question. As you drag your mouse, you will see a purple line starting from the white node which should be dropped on the blue node of the second question to connect the two questions.
Once the two questions are connected, a blue line will connect each of the answers in the first question to the blue node of the second question. Connecting two questions in this manner allows you to connect all the answers of 1 question to the next with one step.
2. If you would like to branch your questions based on the answer that leads choose, you can do so by connecting each answer option in a question to another question. Click on the small blue connector node next to an answer option and drag to the blue connector node at the top left of the next question. As you drag your mouse, you will see a purple line starting from the answer node which should be dropped on the blue node of the second question.
This will mean that if the lead chooses that specific answer, they will be redirected to the question it is connected to. This is useful for questions where you want to ask other questions based on the answer picked.
3. For multiple choice questions, you will only be able to connect the answers to one other question. Branching is not available for multiple choice questions as the lead can choose any combination of answers.
4. To delete the connectors between questions, click on a connector and make sure that it is highlighted in a darker navy colour. Once the connector line is highlighted, click the Delete button on your keyboard. You will see the connector line removed from the builder. On Mac devices, you will need to hold down the Fn(function) key and the backspace/delete key at the same time. This will remove the connector on Mac devices.